Sandra Djwa

2016 Honorary D. Lett, McGill University for pioneering work in Canadian Literature.
2014 Canada Prize in the Humanities for Journey with No Maps: A Life of P.K. Page.
2013 Governor-General's Award for non-fiction for Journey With No Maps: A Life of P.K. Page.
This book represents the help and goodwill of a great many people. Philip Cercone of McGill-Queen's University Press believed in the book from the start. He and and the McGill-Queen's staff of Ryan Van Huijstee, Carlotta Lemieux and Jacqui Davis brought it to publication. P.K. Page's friends in Victoria, Montreal and Toronto contributed their memories in interviews and letters: thanks especially to Marilyn Bowering, Thea Gray, Arlene Lampert, the late Connie Rooke, the late Jori Smith, Rosemary Sullivan and Rachel Wyatt. My task was made easier by chronologies of P.K.'s poetry and art developed by Zailig Pollock and the P.K. Page Editorial team. Special thanks to William Toye and William Keith who read and generously commented on the final manuscript. Peter Redpath, Christopher Varley and William Kaplan made the artwork possible. Thanks also to Linda McKnight, Jean Wilson, and Jan Whitford for advice. I am grateful to Neal Irwin, Peter Dale Scott and Tim and Elke Inkster of Porcupine's Quill for permissions, and to Catherine Hobbs of Library and Archives Canada. My daughter-in-law, Lisa Hartley, took all publicity photos, and my son Phillip Djwa developed this website.
2013 Shortlisted for the 2012 Gabrielle Roy Prize (English).
2013 Shortlisted for the 2013 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction.
2002 Honorary D. Litt, Memorial University, awarded for E.J. Pratt scholarship.
2002 Lorne Pierce Gold Medal, Royal Society of Canada for Professing English: A Life of Roy Daniells.
2002 Invited to give The Barbara Rooke Lecture, “On Biography,” at Peterborough Public Library for Trent University.
2000 One of five delegates-at-large designated by the Canadian Federation of the Humanities to the “ALTERNATIVE WOR[L]DS Conference on The Humanities in 2010” at the University of Toronto, October 29-21, 2000.
1999 First Trimark Women's Mentor Award in 'Education and Science,' for mentoring women in universities and educational institutions.
1999 Invited to give the Garnett Gladwin Sedgewick Memorial Lecture in English at the University of British Columbia, marking the 80th anniversary of the UBC English department.
1994 Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
1992 Commemorative Governor General’s Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada.
1987 The Politics of the Imagination shortlisted for British Columbia Non-Fiction prize.
1981 Izaak Walton Killam Senior Research Fellowship (renewed 1982-83).
1971 SSHRC Killam Post-Doctoral Fellow (Visiting), Department of English, University of Alberta.
1965 H.R. McMillan Doctoral Fellowship.
1964 English Honours Gold Medal, English Essay Prize, University of British Columbia.